One of the most beneficial actions you can take regarding your teeth is to develop and establish a blueprint for guarding against gum disease. This is a condition that can be preventable when the proper steps are taken. A good step is to recognize and protect against the risk factors that cause the disease. Helpful practices include changing your cleaning habits, lifestyle choices, diet, scheduling visits to the dentist, and more.
If you are taking medications and notice an absence of saliva in your mouth, this can be a result of dry mouth. This is a common risk factor for the development of gum disease. Another condition is diabetes, which is linked to gum disease as well as other associated problems. Other risks factors to look for include:
If you are noticing an increased amount of risk factors associated with your dental or overall health, then it may be time to schedule a visit to your Long Beach dentist. Dr. Moshrefi and Bixby Knolls Dental Group can help you identify these risk factors and develop an appropriate treatment. To schedule a consultation, call our office at (562) 427-2478 today.
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