Gum Enhancement

Dark pigmented gum tissues can be an embarrassing situation, leading you to hide your smile as much as possible. This discoloration can be caused by a number of issues including amalgam fillings, in which the alloy can stain the gums with black or metallic spots.

An excessive amount of melanin, the protein that determines skin and tissue color, can create these unsightly spots. Another cause may be the result of long-term medication use.

The discolored pigmentation can be removed permanently using a surgical procedure. The finished result of gum enhancement is a healthy, natural, pink gum tissue that radiates confidence. This is a minimal outpatient procedure that can be completed in one visit to a variety of individuals and ages. Patients with dentures, dental implants and crowns are eligible candidates for gum restoration.

You will be in the right hands with Dr. Moshrefi, who is a Long Beach dentist with years of experience in a variety of cosmetic procedures, including gum enhancement. In addition, Bixby Knolls Dental offers an assortment of cosmetic treatments including Zoom teeth whitening, veneers and Invisalign.

Please call us at (562) 427-2478 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Moshrefi and his team at Long Beach Dental.

Read More:

The Significance of the Appearance of Your Gums

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